اسپیکینگ آیلتس / Diet

اسپیکینگ آیلتس
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اسپیکینگ آیلتس / Diet


IELTS Part 1 Diet

اسپیکینگ آیلتس


ما در این مقاله میخواهیم به اسپیکینگ آیلتس بپردازیم امیدوارید مطالب آموزنده و کاربردی را در اختیار شما قرارداده باشیم

برای دریافت نکات بیشتر در خصوص نحوه آموزش آیلتس میتوانید به این صفحه مراجعه کنید

همچنین اگر مایلید نکاتی در خصوص  روش های آموزش لاتین  بدانید به این صفحه مراجعه کنید

What do you usually eat for breakfast?

Well, these days I’m trying my best to eat healthy food. So mostly for breakfast I eat boiled eggs or oatmeal. Or anything that is rich in protein.

اسپیکینگ آیلتس

How has your diet changed now compared to when you were younger?

My diet and eating habits have changed greatly during these past years. I remember I used to snack on unhealthy food too much when I was a student, then I decided to cut down on junk food and follow a healthier diet, and after trying some different types of diets like vegetarian ones I think I have a pretty sensible and well-balanced diet now. 

Do you prefer to eat one big meal a day or several smaller meals each day?

Defiantly the second one. I think skipping meals is not very healthy but eating moderate portions throughout the day is a wise choice, like 3 reasonably-sized meals with 2 or 3 small snacks in between. I love light snacks, they give me a lift and increase my energy levels noticeably.

 آموزش صفر تا صد آیلتس

What do you pay attention to when you’re planning for the meals?

Well, I suppose we should remember the main point here is staying fit and healthy so the first thing that I mostly have in mind is checking the nutritional value of the food, I mean does it contain the vital nutrients? Is it packed with necessary vitamins? does it help me maintain a healthy weight? Generally checking its health benefits.

Do you think Iranian people’s diet is healthy?

I don’t think so. Unfortunately, People nowadays consume more processed foods than ever before. And that has led to high obesity. They also eat lots of pre-packaged food. People are very busy these days and they tend to just go home after work and heat up a ready meal and these contain a lot of unhealthy additives.

Diet: رژیم غذایی، برنامه غذایی

:اسپیکینگ آیلتس ،از این کالوکیشن ها میتونیم برای این کلمه استفاده کنیم

Go on a diet

Be on a diet: I am on a diet

Have/ eat / follow a diet

A healthy diet

We must eat a healthy diet.

A balanced / well-balanced diet

We should try to follow a balanced diet.

Calorie-controlled/ low-calorie diet

In order to lose weight, you must follow a calorie-controlled diet.

Vegetarian/ vegan / flexitarian / detox diet

Low-carb / high-protein diet

Most athletes follow a high-protein diet.

:از این عبارات میتونید برای صحبت کردن درمورد عادت های غذا خوردن استفاده کنید

Overeating پرخوری

Binge eating پرخوری بیش از حد که بیماری تلقی میشه

Skipping meals   حذف وعده های غذایی

Skipping meals is not very healthy.

Eat moderate portions / eat in moderation رژیم متعادل داشتن

آموزش زبان لاتین 

:وقتی درمورد این تاپیک صحبت میکنید، میتونید به چند نوع کلی غذا هم اشاره کنید

Processed food غذای فراوری شده

Refined food غذای تصفیه شده

Unrefined food

Whole grains مثل برنج قهوه ای

Organic food غذای ارگانیک

Pre-packaged food غذاهای اماده و بسته بندی شده


اسپیکینگ آیلتس ،.برای عبارات و توضیحات کامل تر هایلایت صفحه اینستاگراممون رو حتما ببینید

Examples of IELTS speaking

?What food do you like to eat

 I am not a fussy eater. As long as you don’t feed me rabbit food I’m easy to please. I love Chinese cuisine and traditional Italian food and I can eat like a horse! My flatmate and I share the cooking chores. Once a week we make a slap-up meal of steak and chips covered in a rich sauce and to satisfy the sweet tooth we finish off with a decadent chocolate pudding

?do you enjoy cooking

I prefer eating to cooking. I make good use of ready meals and I am not averse to junk food or the occasional pub lunch. I realize though that it is necessary to include nutritious food as part of a balanced diet, especially organic food when it’s available rather than processed food, which is why I cook several times a week and always try to eat dinner at a reasonable time

?What’s your favorite meal of the day

 I’m a breakfast fan. It’s the most important meal of the day, after all! I wake up starving hungry after a good night’s sleep. I like nothing better than a good English breakfast of bacon, eggs, and buttery toast, along with a piping hot cup of coffee


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